A college education is likely to be one of the most significant investments you and your family will ever make. Wheaton will work with each student and family to put a Wheaton education within reach.

Wheaton’s comprehensive fee for the 2024-2025 academic year is $79,940.  This includes tuition, room and board, and student activity fee.

Financial aid awarded by the college including institutional merit and scholarship awards are disbursed to a student’s account at the end of the add/drop period for each semester. Disbursements, which are run daily, apply loans, grants, and scholarship funds to a student’s account.  All required documentation must be received in order for funds to disburse.  Students can check to ensure that all required financial documents are received through their InsideWheaton account.

If you are a Pell recipient who expects to have a credit balance on your student account, you may request an early refund of your Pell fund for textbook purchases.

Wheaton offers a number of options for paying the balance due, from low cost educational loans to budget payment plans.