The Madeleine Clark Wallace Library’s mission is to connect the Wheaton community to a world of ideas and information, creating an environment for self-exploration and boundless learning. The Library is a teaching and learning facility at the heart of campus with talented staff who delight in partnering with students, faculty and staff on academic and intellectual activities. The Wallace Library fosters preservation, scholarship, and innovation. Your investment enables the Library to expand its extensive resources, including digital subscriptions and databases, textbooks, and special collections and archival resources.
Your donations help to expand access to over 185,000 ebooks, 77,000 journals and newspapers, 81,000 streaming videos, and 100 research databases 24/7 from anywhere! Resources from donors allow Wheaton students to relieve costs towards almost all required textbooks available through the library, and champion library liaisons who work with students on research-based or tech-driven assignments.
The library is open 114 hours a week. During Night Owl (the last two weeks of the semester), the library is open 24/7! Wheaton Fund supporters help maintain the library as a campus hub and provide support for those long nights before finals.
Learn more about the Madeleine Clark Wallace Library
Did you know?
80 donors who each contribute $5 may enable the library to subscribe to one periodical