Invest Today. Inspire Tomorrow.
The Wheaton Fund is about right now. When you demonstrate your support through the Wheaton Fund, you ensure a wide variety of student learning experiences, both in and out of the classroom. You make it possible for our faculty to advance their teaching and research.
The Wheaton Fund strives to provide a number of opportunities throughout the year for all members of our community to support our mission at every level. The more we all work together. The greater the impact on our student’s Wheaton experience. The goal of these giving opportunities is to raise awareness and to focus attention on the importance of annual participation. Gifts of participation have an amplifying effect when everyone joins in, and donor participation rates are one of the metrics used in the annual higher-ed rankings to measure overall community engagement.
Thanks to your participation, the Wheaton Fund is realizing record-levels of giving. Much of this success is owed to our community’s commitment to its core institutional values. These values inform our academic priorities and our fundraising concentrates solely on developing support for those priorities. Your continued support translates into support for students from every walk of life, for innovative faculty research projects, and for campus initiatives that are both essential and inspiring.
Wheaton’s community is vital to the success of the college’s annual fundraising efforts. The Wheaton Fund remains a top fundraising priority for the college because a $5 million Wheaton Fund—sustained year after year—would provide the equivalent spending power of a $100 million endowment every year. Your annual participation helps provide the college with a critically important, reliable source of income that will help the college meet the annual costs of supporting essential activities and services.
Thank you for being a part of it all at Wheaton, and thank you for considering a contribution to Wheaton College through the 2023-2024 Wheaton Fund.
Your Impact
You can direct your gift toward what you care about, whether that’s supporting:
Invest Today. Inspire Tomorrow.
That they may have life, and may have it abundantly.
2023–2024 Wheaton Fund
July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024
If you would like to communicate directly with a Wheaton Fund team member, please email [email protected] or call 508-286-8226.