
Creator: Fritz Cleary and Bertel Thorvaldsen
Date: 1982
Materials: Bronze
Wheaton College Permanent Collection  

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Hebe Statue

Directionals #4

Creator: Paul von Ringelheim
Date: 1966
Materials: Bronze, marble
Gift of Paul M. and Ellen Berney Hirschland ’40 and the artist.  

Key Angel

Creator: Guy Girard Dill
Date: 1999
Materials: Bronze
Gift of Lucky Dallo Eisner ’53 and her husband, Trustee Emeritus Edgar Eisner. 

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Cleaning Key Angel

Cow Duck

Creator: Charlotte Middleton ’18
Date: 2016
Materials: Bronze
Gift of Wheaton College Student Government Association 2015-2016. 

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The comeback

Beyond the Rain

Creator: Maia Hay ’20
Date: 2019
Materials: Painted steel
Pubic Art at Wheaton (PAAW) is made possible, in part, by the Caroline Edwards ’70 Fund for Public Art. 

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Obstacle Course