Summer Housing

Summer Housing will be limited due to additional on-campus activities.

Senior Week Housing

Those who are housed for the Spring Term and are granted Summer Housing are able to remain on campus between the Spring and Summer sessions. Depending on where you live on campus, you may have to move to a temporary location during Senior Week before your summer assignment is available.

Moving Into Summer Housing

Summer Housing begins the week after Commencement and students will move into their summer housing room assignment either during Senior Week or the first week of the Summer Housing contract.

Moving Out of Summer Housing

Students will be expected to move out of their summer assignments when their summer housing period ends.

Anyone who remains on campus for the entire summer will have the opportunity to move directly into their Fall Housing assignment. Given the challenges of turning over our halls from summer programs to be ready for the Fall semester, the time-frame available for moving is a tight window. Typically the moving date is in mid-August. Please Note: This date could conflict with your summer employment, you are expected to communicate with your supervisor in advance if you anticipate needing to miss work.

If you do not have a Fall term assignment (living off campus, studying abroad, etc), housing will not be available after the end of the Summer Housing period.