Reunions at Wheaton are occasions for celebration and remembrance.

Reunions affirm that the Wheaton experience endures for a lifetime, and while buildings may change, the values of Wheaton remain constant.

Bringing classmates back together helps connect alumni to their philanthropic passions and inspires many to give a gift that enhances the learning through new initiatives, recruits faculty at the top of their fields, and launches innovative programs that encourage global perspectives and lifelong learning.

Ways to Make a Reunion Gift to Wheaton

Wheaton strives to make it as easy as possible for donors make their reunion gifts. Please see below and select the way that is most convenient for you. Thank you for supporting Wheaton College!

  • Online: Wheaton accepts payments by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, as well as supports giving through Venmo, Pay Pal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and WebPay. If you wish to make a one-time gift or schedule monthly donations to Wheaton College, please use our secure online giving form.
  • By Phone: Call the Wheaton Fund at 508-286-8226.
  • By Mail: Please print this Gift Form (pdf) and mail it with your check or money order made payable to Wheaton College to the attention of College Advancement, Wheaton College, 26 E. Main Street, Norton MA 02766.
  • Multi-year commitments: Visit the online pledge form to make a multi-year commitment. Please note that a member of our team will contact you for confirmation of your pledge upon completion of the form.
  • Planned Giving: Visit the planned giving page to learn more about a wide range of topics including wills and living trusts, beneficiary designations, gift annuities and much more.

For general questions about giving to Wheaton College: contact [email protected] or 508-286-8226 or toll-free at 508-286-8292, option 5. Interested in additional giving opportunities? Please visit our Ways to Give page.