Leaving a Legacy
The 50th Reunion at Wheaton is a once-in-a-lifetime event with an opportunity to reconnect and reminisce with classmates through special programs and many alumnae mark the occasion with a special gift to Wheaton.
As Reunion nears, the Class of 1975 is making progress toward reaching the fundraising goals that will secure our legacy to Wheaton. As a reminder, we have particular focus in two areas:
- The Wheaton Fund
- Founders Society
Scroll down to see how we are doing in each of these areas.
The Wheaton Fund
Our goal is to raise $75,000 for the current year (through June 30, 2025) for the Wheaton Fund. Contributions to the Wheaton Fund represent the most flexible form of support that is immediately available to ensure student success by responding to the College’s emerging and ongoing needs.
Founders Society
Our goal is to have 10 members of our class join the Founders Society. Seven members of our class have already joined by including Wheaton in their estate planning. (Thank you!) You can join in a number of ways including designating a specific gift in a will or trust or naming Wheaton as a beneficiary of an IRA, 401K or other retirement account. Our goal is to add 10 Founders Society members.
Class of 1975 50th Reunion Goals
This goal is inclusive of all gifts to Wheaton this fiscal year: July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
Make an Impact
When you come together, you have the opportunity to make the greatest impact as Wheaton Alumni. Every donor makes a difference—the size of your gift does not matter—but your participation does!
50th Reunion Staff Liaisons
Reunion Programming
Courtney Shurtleff
Assistant Vice President for Advancement
Reunion Fundraising
Kieran Queen
Senior Associate Director, Wheaton Fund