This form is for students to communicate with Facilities Operations when issues within the Residence Halls need to be addressed. Faculty, Staff and Students with concerns should log into the Work Order submission form.

If you have question about the status of your work order please contact Facilities Operations with the subject heading “LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME – Work Order Status.” Please also include your room number and wID in the body of your email to [email protected].

Please note: work orders are completed on a need basis and NOT based on the submission date.

Examples of When to Submit a Work Order

  • Items that need repair or are missing from the room
  • Room is too cold or too hot
  • Toilet is clogged or other plumbing need
  • Restocking of cleaning supplies for Houses
  • Insect issues
  • Key or door problems

Note: College furniture must remain in the room. Under no circumstances should college furniture be left in the hallway or outside your room.

*Problems with internet access or technology should be directed to Technology Services.

Having Trouble Accessing the System?

The best way to experience the work order system is through an internet browser, not on a mobile device.

If you have never signed into the work order system before, you will need to use this link — Schooldude – initial sign-on to work order form

Once you are registered as a new user, then you will use the link to sign into Dude Solutions — Schooldude – username sign-on


Call Campus Safety 508-286-3333 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or Facilities Operations 508-286-3879 (Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.).

An emergency is something that presents an immediate hazard to you or the community, do not complete this form. Instead, call the numbers above.

Some examples of emergencies:

  • Fire or flood
  • Loss of electrical power
  • Loss of heat (during Winter months)
  • Malfunctioning or damaged fire-safety equipment