An exciting part of the Wheaton College experience is living on campus. There are so many opportunities to make new friends and get involved. Our new student housing provides a close-knit community to help you connect with other new students. You’ll meet up with friends, head to the dining hall, find people with shared interests, and engage in our campus events, clubs, and organizations. Along your journey, you will develop life skills as you find your place in the Wheaton community and (eventually) in the greater world.
New Student Housing
We provide an array of residential options to help you connect with other new students and acclimate to college life. Our new student housing is nestled in lower campus, just steps from Chase Dining Hall and the picturesque Peacock Pond.
Most new students live in our traditional, gender-inclusive residence halls. There are a mix of single and double rooms available in this area. Single rooms are reserved solely for students requiring accommodations. Each building has a study space and TV lounge as well as a laundry room and a communal kitchen.
If you’re looking to connect with like-minded students, we offer a number of common interest communities including quiet housing, LGBTQ+ and Ally, substance-free, and all female to nonbinary, or all male to nonbinary. We also offer unique living and learning communities (LLCs), including Wellness or First Generation. LLCs have a faculty advisor and specific requirements for residents to enhance their practical learning experience.
If you are transferring to Wheaton, you may opt to live with first-year students, other incoming transfer students, or another student on campus who has a similar class year. When you complete the profile questions in the housing portal, kindly indicate your preference to streamline your housing assignment.
Wheaton is a residential community and all new students are expected to live on campus. Requests to live at your parent’s or guardian’s primary residence and commute will be considered. Learn more about off-campus living.
If you are enrolled as a commuter student, you do not need to complete the housing application in the housing portal. However, if you’d like to change your status from residential to commuter, complete the status change form found on the main page of the housing portal.
Housing Application
Once you’ve considered what type of living environment fits your lifestyle, complete the housing application on the online housing portal. While answering the questions on the application, be sure to consider your sleep schedule, study habits, cleanliness preferences, and whether you want a quiet room or frequent guests. Residential Life will use this information to match you with roommates and assign rooms as close as possible to your preferences.
The housing application closes for new students on June 30th. After June 30th, Residential Life will download the results and work on matching roommates and making assignments. You may access the housing portal at any point before it closes to make profile changes, search for roommates, and learn more about community choices.
Housing Accommodations
If you require specific housing accommodations based on a documented need, schedule a meeting with Accessibility Services. You’ll need to provide medical documentation from a provider. Once Accessibility Services reviews the request and makes a determination regarding accommodations, residential life will be notified and will update your housing assignment as needed.
For answers to specific questions, email [email protected]. Note that residential life does not make any decisions regarding accommodations.
Roommate Connections
Finding a roommate is equal parts exciting and nerve-wracking. As a new student, it’s natural to want to choose a roommate with shared interests, such as a fellow teammate, someone in your major, or simply a student with similar taste in music. However, in our 40+ years of housing experience, we find it best to match roommates with similar lifestyles, such as sleep schedules, cleanliness habits, and whether you want your room to be the gathering space or a quiet sanctuary.
We will consider roommate requests but cannot guarantee them. We strongly encourage you to allow our housing team to make your roommate connections. We strive to match you with someone compatible to live with and connect you with someone you otherwise may have never met. We suggest you connect with your matched roommate(s) before you arrive. You can chat about what you’ll each bring and get to know each other a bit. We’ve put together some roommate advice and tips for starting off and navigating your time together.
Welcome Weekend and Move-In
Friday, August 22, 2025
At last, the time has come for your grand arrival on campus! Check out our Fall Orientation page for a full schedule of events. Unless you are registered for our Early Arrival Programs, we cannot accept new student early arrivals before the scheduled move-in date.