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Selecting a Room


General Questions

What is the Lottery?

For returning students your choice of room is based on an assigned lottery time slot. All eligible students receive a time slot number that corresponds to when they can first log into the housing portal, which remains open throughout the week of room selection. During that week, seniors select rooms on Monday, juniors on Tuesday, and sophomores on Wednesday and Thursday. Students are given random lottery time slots within their class year. Each number comes with a date and estimated time of your turn to select a room. The number is yours to use, it is not transferable. Some Halls or Rooms require special application or registration: Theme Houses, Gebbie & Keefe, Common Interest Communities (CICs), and Living Learning Communities (LLCs).

When will I get my lottery time slot?

Lottery time slots are set to go out about a week before general room selection begins.

When is lottery?

Lottery traditionally occurs in the spring semester around late April. The process takes place over multiple days and your lottery number is randomly assigned based on your class year.

In what order are the lottery time slots?

During room selection week, seniors select rooms on Monday, juniors on Tuesday, and sophomores on Wednesday and Thursday. Students are given random lottery time slots within their class year. Each number comes with a date and estimated time of your turn to select a room. The number is yours to use, it is not transferable.

Selecting a Room

What are roommate groups and the rules?

Here are the big things to know about roommate groups…

  • In order to live with friends, you must be in a roommate group together within the housing portal.
  • When picking a room, we recommend the roommate with the best time slot picks the room during lottery.
  • All roommates must mutually accept each other in the housing portal.
  • If you are looking to reserve a single as your first option, do NOT form a roommate group. If you do not reserve a single, then you must go back in the portal to create a roommate group in order to fill a vacant room.
  • You can make these groups in advance so do it before general room selection occurs to be ahead!
Where can I live?

You can pick from any space that is viewable when your lottery time becomes active, but you must be able to “fill” the room you want with the appropriate number of residents.

I don’t have a roommate. Can I pick one space in a double, triple or quad?

Unfortunately, no. In lottery students must “fill” whatever room they select. So, if you are looking to reserve a single as your first option, make sure you have a back up plan if they are all gone.

What are my chances of getting a single?

Single rooms are available through general lottery. Less than a third of the students on campus live in a single room and only about half of those are on upper-campus. Typically, demand for singles exceeds supply particularly in the popular parts of campus. It is important to have realistic expectations and alternate plans if your first choices are not available. Historically, Seniors have the best chance of a single and most juniors. For a sophomore, a single is unlikely.

Do I have to log in exactly when my time says?

No, your time tells you the first moment you can access the portal. Once your time passes, you can access the portal as long as it is open throughout general room selection week. Lottery times are to give priority order, not to shut people out after their starting window.

Can I live with someone in another class year, or who is a different gender identity?

Yes, just make sure you are in a roommate group together!

Is there a special interest lottery?

No, Common Interest Communities (i.e. Female-to-Nonbinary, Substance-Free, Male-to-Nonbinary, Quiet Housing, LGBTQ+ & Ally Housing) and Living Learning Communities (Wellness and May Fellows) are now a part of general lottery. This allows for a much more streamlined lottery process. You must have filled out a CIC opt-in form or have been accepted into the LLC in order to see these building during general lottery.

What if I get a weird lottery time, like 2:00am?

All lottery times will be during the day, no earlier than 9:00am, and no later than 3:45pm.

After I pick a room, can I change my mind?

No, in order to maintain a fair process students cannot change rooms until everyone has had a chance to pick first. After the process is complete, we are then able to work on requests to move rooms.


Can I renew my room?

No, room renewal/squatting is not allowed.

What if I am on a Leave of Absence?

Students on a Leave of Absence must contact Residential Life to be a part of Room Selection. Your email must be sent from your Wheaton email address. You will need to be eligible to return to Wheaton in the Fall Semester and you must be eligible for room lottery. Understand that by selecting a room you are entering into a contractual agreement with the College and that will carry a financial commitment. You should contact Student Financial Services if you have any specific questions in that regard.

What do I do if I have a hold on my account?

It depends on the nature of the “hold.” Most holds that restrict room selection are financial, in which case students should contact Student Financial Services. Disciplinary holds should contact the Dean of Students Office. Academic holds should contact Academic Advising.

What if I have applied to go abroad in the Fall, but I’m not sure if I will be accepted?

If you have applied to go abroad, but have not been accepted, you are able to select a room during lottery. Once Global Education informs us that you have been accepted, you are automatically withdrawn from the room and it is open for any student – because of limited space you cannot reserve a space for your return. You will then be contacted at the end of the fall semester to select your room based on availability for the spring semester.