Wheaton College Campus Safety is committed to providing a comprehensive program of police, security, crime prevention, fire safety, emergency medical service, parking and traffic enforcement and other related services to help ensure that Wheaton is a safe and orderly environment for the entire college community so that the educational mission of the college can be realized.
The Campus Safety staff pledge to show respect for all individuals and their rights, to uphold the law, to strive for excellence in every service they provide, and to act with the highest integrity at all times.
Calling Campus Safety
Emergency from campus phone: x3333
Emergency from off campus or cell phone: 508-286-3333
Business: 508-286-8213 or x8213
Chief Roy Mulcahy
[email protected]
Sergeant Mark Oliver
[email protected]
Fred Balbino
Detective Lieutenant, Securitas
[email protected]
Mathew Brune
Account Manager, Securitas
[email protected]