Melissa Namiot ’88
Member-at Large
Alumni Board of Directors







Professional Background:
Consultant Systems Analyst; Release Manager
Business Systems Analyst, Relationship Manager,
Fidelity Investments

Academic Background:
Bachelor of Arts, French, Wheaton College

Wheaton Honors, Activities and Experiences:
Class Officer and Wheaton Fund Chair for nearly thirty years
Regional Volunteer
Reunion Gift Committee Member
Club Committee Member
Filene Center Volunteer
Internship Job Sponsor
Tritons-Synchronized Swim Team

Wheaton’s Influence in your life:
Wheaton empowers its students to feel comfortable having a voice and instills the values of learning from one another. Whether listening to each other’s stories or being more open to accepting people’s differences or different points of view, this type of influence could not be more relevant than it is today. It has also allowed me to feel comfortable and confident in both my personal and professional life. I am often referred to as “brave” at work because I am not afraid to question why we are doing something or acknowledge/point out issues to senior management even if they may not be popular. In my personal life, this empowerment has allowed me to advocate for others who are not able to do so or are perceived as vulnerable, such as children with special needs and their families.

Your reason for serving on the Alumni Board:
Wheaton is very important to me and as a long tenured Class Fund Agent, I felt that being a Member-at-large for the ABD would be a nice complement to my involvement at the college. Alumni engagement is important to me and this position will allow me to do more of that.

Fun Fact:
Before coming to Wheaton, I had never done synchronized/artistic swimming, but I had been swimming competitively. The school offered an artistic/synchronized swimming workshop that was run by then Coach Fran Simeone-Tocci. At the end of the workshop, Fran mentioned that there would be try outs for the Tritons. After some consideration I thought, why not, and took a deep breath and tried out. Needless to say, I was the only freshman to make the team and ended up graduating as one of the few four year athletes in my class. I have been back for some special events, and I performed with the current Triton team when the new athletic center was opened. It was fun seeing and swimming with some of my fellow teammates. It was like we never were apart. Go Tritons!