Mark Yohalem on Video Games and Design


Video Game Development, WorldBuilding, and Gameplay. Writer and designer for games including Axis & Allies, Heroes of Newerth, Primordia and Dragon Age, Mark Yohalem presents his portfolio alongside sharing tips on how to pursue your passion in video games.


Music Dept Colloquium: William Robin “Minimalism Is History Now”: Bang on a Can and Minimalism in the Late Twentieth Century


Wheaton's music department is delighted to welcome scholar and journalist William Robin (UMD College Park). His talk is titled "“Minimalism Is History Now”: Bang on a Can and Minimalism in the Late Twentieth Century". Professor Robin is a regular contributor to the New York Times, and his most recent book Industry is now available from Oxford University Press. Robin's research explores how institutions structure the creation, dissemination, and reception of contemporary classical music in the United States. His research interests also include early American hymnody, Stravinsky, and the European postwar avant-garde.


Run with Roary Virtual 5k


Join the Wheaton community from all around the world for our second Run with Roary Virtual 5k! Participants can walk, run or bike, all at their own pace, on their own time and in their current locations.

Gallery Exhibition—2021 Wheaton Biennial_final_final_FINAL


The 2021 Wheaton Biennial is an open-call exhibition focused on new media and juried by author and curator, Legacy Russell. Presented virtually, this exhibition includes artists whose work challenges and celebrates new media. As with past Biennials, our definition is boundary-pushing and inclusive, seeking a diverse range of experimental work, collectively evoking an open-ended conversation.
