Artists, the art they create and the organizations that support them, though born in the human spirit, exist in the modern, profit-driven and competitive world. What does it take to run these organizations and produce successful substantive events? And what is the management backbone that—on a business end—allows the arts to survive this complex world? Visiting artist Ryan Saunders ’00 will walk us through the evolving field of arts administration and its importance in nurturing the arts for decades to come.

This documentary film follows luthier Stephan Connor as he builds two guitars and immerses himself in the mystical city of Granada, Spain. Guitar builders in Granada have long influenced the evolution of the instrument. With help from local, rising star guitarist Pablo Giménez, Steve experiences the true soul of the city—witnessing flamenco performances in the ancient caves of Sacromonte, wandering the halls of the Alhambra and meeting with local luthiers. Join former music major Sky Sabin for a Q&A following the film.

Nicco Mele, director of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and acclaimed author of The End of Big: How the Internet Makes David the New Goliath, will tackle the very timely subject of fake news followed by a Q&A.