Enable students to explore and apply what they learn

As a Wheaton Fund donor, you can support internships which span the academic year or those that are short bursts, such as “winternships” during winter break. Every internship will expose students to an array of careers and networking opportunities.

Students have traversed the globe to participate in meaningful internships—including medical clinics in Ghana, cancer research laboratories in China, nature reserves in Belize, and classrooms in France.

Through the Wheaton Fund, you can provide a myriad of internships, research projects, service work, and other hands-on opportunities.

Wheaton Edge guarantee

Thanks to Wheaton Fund donors, the college offers guaranteed funding for an internship, research position, or other experiential learning opportunity for every student before the start of senior year.

This Wheaton Edge guarantee, which began with the Class of 2019, formalizes the college’s long-standing commitment to providing an outstanding liberal arts education that includes real-world experience. In fact, Wheaton invests more than $1.2 million each year to support student internships.


Did You Know?

60 Wheaton Fund donors who each contribute $50 could provide one student the opportunity to benefit from an internship