Free, Confidential HIV & STD Screening
FREE, CONFIDENTIAL HIV & STD TESTING by Taunton Family Planning at Norton Medical Center
FREE, CONFIDENTIAL HIV & STD TESTING by Taunton Family Planning at Norton Medical Center
Due to popular demand, the International café is returning! Feel free to stop by for hot chocolate / apple cider and play games, watch videos and speak your 2nd, 3rd […]
Join retired professor Ed Tong for Tai Chi every Friday beginning February 2nd from 12:30 - 1:30 PM in the Dance Studio.
Film, television and theatre professionals create works of art that only work if they are unseen, yet they often drive plot completely. This exhibition features the work of Carl Sprague, Annie Atkins, Eric B. Hart, Jay Duckworth and others.
Artist Ross MacDonald has worked as a prop maker for Boardwalk Empire, National Treasure, Hateful Eight, Joy and John Wick among others.
The Base Open Office Hours with the staffs of the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life and The Center for Social Justice and Community Impact. The staffs of both Centers […]
Gain knowledge and skills as it relates to LGBTQ+ experiences, and other intersecting identities Learn how to practice better allyship Earn a safe zone placard to demonstrate how you can serve […]
Come celebrate Wheaton’s diverse student body through free food, performances and country tables! Music, dancing, festivities and much more involved! Special thanks to the Marshall Center, Center for Global Education, […]
After this date, petitions for course withdrawals (WD recorded on transcript) will be considered only for documented and extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control.
These can only be submitted if the student is currently taking the last course in the connection. Attention Seniors: self-initiated connection proposals will not be accepted in your final semester.