Free, Confidential HIV & STD Testing
Free, Confidential HIV & STD Testing
Free, Confidential HIV & STD Testing
Nutrition Counseling Sessions with Gretchen Stalters
Nutrition Counseling Sessions with Gretchen Stalters
Welcome back to campus all! Counseling and Health Services hopes you had a restful and peaceful winter break. The Counseling Center invites you to stop by, take a tour, and meet our […]
Join special guest speaker, Dr. Alexandra Herzog, Assistant Director of the American Jewish Council of New England along with a panel of Wheaton faculty in remembering the tragedy of the Holocaust as well as recognizing its lasting impact.
Have you seen the new film of Little Women? Would you like to discuss it? All members of the Wheaton community are welcome at an informal open discussion of the film. Feel free to bring your lunch.
Friday, January 31st, 12:30
Trustees Conference Room
(formerly the President's Dining Room)
in the Emerson Dining Hall building.
Contact: Bev Clark
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations or information on accessibility should contact Bev Clark at [email protected] by January 27th.
Class of 2020, join members of Alumni Relations, Wheaton Fund, Student Alumni Association, and the Senior Class Gift Committee for an event to celebrate 100 Days ’til Graduation in Emerson […]
Inspired by her Appalachian family history and the tradition of quilting circles, Jenkins brings people together to sit, talk, and sew.
Register now for Wheaton's First Responder Certification Course (classroom and practical components - CPR certification, Narcan & EpiPen administration, and AED training).
When: Tuesday February 11 Time: 5-6 PM Putting English to Work Where: Meneely 302 Hosted by the English Department and Career Services, this workshop is designed to help […]