Who am I? Who are You? Who are We? Cultural Identity in the 21st Century from Multiple Psychological Perspectives
A Community Conversation with Faculty from the Psychology Department
A Community Conversation with Faculty from the Psychology Department
The Wheaton Psychology Department and Filene Center's Career Services will co-host a panel discussion with seven alumnae/i psychology majors on Tuesday, October 17, from 6–8 p.m., in Mary Lyon's Woolley […]
Wheaton Creative Writing Faculty, Deyonne Bryant, Charlotte Meehan, and Kent Shaw, read from their original work.
Live and Work in Boston this Spring Semester and earn four Wheaton credits. Come to an information session about Semester in the City—Wheaton's pilot program with the College for Social […]
These can only be submitted if the student is currently taking the last course in the connection. Attention Seniors: self-initiated connection proposals will not be accepted in your final semester.
After this date, petitions for course withdrawals (WD recorded on transcript) will be considered only for documented and extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control.
Wheaton Emerson Writing Fellow Andy Dugan will share some of his experiences with grounding writing assignments in rhetorical conventions while encouraging digital and creative expression in an attempt to prepare students for a diverse and changing communication landscape.
Do you want to Make Meaning while you’re Making Money? Do you see yourself as a changemaker with a vision to move the world to a better place? If so, […]
October 30 to November 3