Event Series:
Dance Fest 2025
Dance Fest 2025—Boundless Beats
February 15 @ 7:30 PM
Wheaton’s Dance Collaborative presents Dance Fest 2025—Boundless Beats featuring hip hop, salsa, tap, k-pop, step, and multi-cultural traditions performed by TRYBE, Paraíso Latino, Tap Out Loud, KAOS and special guest S.O.L.E. This annual performance showcases the talent of our student-run dance groups.
Purchase Tickets
$12 general, $8 faculty/staff & seniors, $5 students.
Be sure to watch the following instagram stories for ticket discounts:
TRYBE- trybe_wc
Paraíso Latino- wcparaisolatino
Tap Out Loud- wc_tapoutloud
KAOS- kaosdance
S.O.L.E.- s.o.l.e.stepteam