Wellness Housing at Wheaton
Wheaton’s Wellness Living and Learning community is designed to be a holistic experience that allows students the opportunity and support to explore and grow in the eight dimensions of wellness; Academic/Professional, Emotional, Environmental, Intellectual, Physical, Self Concept, Social and Spiritual.
The community offers weekly programs focusing on one or more of the eight dimensions as well as opportunities for goal setting and reflection with staff and peers. Students are also encouraged to participate in wellness related events across campus hosted by different offices and student clubs. Students in the Wellness program are expected to make connections between their school work, extra curricular activities, and desire for a holistic wellness experience.
To live in Wellness Housing students must apply and commit individually to strive for “wellness.” Residents are also expected to contribute to their neighbors’ experiences as the community enters on this journey together. In addition to the general housing policies and expectations (respecting quiet hours, adhering to fire codes, not damaging property) students in Wellness Housing are expected to positively contribute to the overall experience of fellow students; this includes remaining substance free inside the dorm building. Participants are prohibited from having any alcohol, cannabis, or tobacco products (this includes e-cigarette and vapes) in the residence hall.
The Dimensions of Wellness Housing at Wheaton
- Academic/Professional Wellness is the ability to get personal fulfillment from our curricular and co-curricular work. We look to engage in things that we are passionate about: work, school, volunteering, etc..
- Emotional Wellness is understanding yourself and expressing how your feel in an appropriate manner. We listen to our feelings, constructively express them to others and maintain a positive outlook
- Environmental Wellness is understanding that a positive environment has a positive effect on our well-being and encourages good physical and mental health. We make a positive impact on the quality of our environment, be it our residence hall or our planet.
- Intellectual Wellness is understanding the value and importance of opening up yourself to new ideas, perspectives and experiences. We are lifelong learners and by expanding knowledge, can stimulate our minds to make better personal decisions and have better community interactions.
- Physical Wellness is making good choices that support your physical self – including fitness, nutrition and proper care for our bodies. We intentionally make positive decisions regarding our general health, but also avoid harmful choices like tobacco, drugs and alcohol.
- Self Concept enables you to have a nuanced, thoughtful understanding of your whole self, that includes the different aspects of your identity, and how they inform your values. Your identity is shaped and informed in the context of systems and ideologies in which you have developed. Healthy development in this dimension requires you to explore which aspects of your identity you want to rethink your relationship to and which aspects you want to develop further.
- Social Wellness is creating and maintaining positive relationships with family, friends and those around you. We seek to make social connections daily because we understand the value of a sense of belonging, a support system and healthy friendships have on our daily lives.
- Spiritual Wellness is about exploring the values and beliefs that are most important to us. We make time to discover our values and beliefs, and work towards finding congruence between our values and our actions.
Inspired by and adapted from:
Wheaton Wellness Program Community Standards
Those residents who live in Wellness Housing, in addition to general Wheaton policy, are expected to:
- Participate in hall programming and engage with the dimensions of wellness with a open and respectful mind
- Positively contribute to the hall environment by supporting your fellow residents in their journey
- Commit to abstain from e-cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
Those members of the community that cannot abide by Wellness Community Standards outlined above will meet with staff to develop a pathway toward success that may include referral to the Student Conduct process and/or reassignment to live in another residence hall.
Is It Right For Me?
Before applying to live in this community, potential residents should reflect on the question – is it right for me? We do not expect every member of the community to start their journey fully-engaged with each dimension, but we do expect members to be willing and active participants in the community and the program.
Achieving success within this program is about making an individual commitment, but it is also about the entire community working on this together. Because your individual choices will impact those around you, it is important for everyone’s experience that you can commit to this lifestyle.
To Apply
Those students who are interested in this community should apply via the Student Housing Portal.
Applications will be reviewed and eligible students will be notified via their Wheaton email. Due to the limited supply of housing in our Wellness area, acceptance into the program does not guarantee a housing assignment in Wellness Housing.