Students may apply for a specific housing accommodation due to medical, psychological, or disability related conditions. Applications are reviewed on a case by case basis by Accessibility Services.

Returning Students: Applications are due in early March. This includes submitting all forms and proper documentation.

New Students: Applications are due in mid-June. This includes submitting all forms and proper documentation, as well as completing the Accessibility Services Intake Process.

*Students are advised to start the process early to obtain the required documentation prior to the stated deadline.

How to Apply

Students requesting a housing accommodation should contact Accessibility Services at [email protected]. Accessibility Services is located in the Filene Center (508-286-8215).

Please see Housing Accommodations Procedures and Guidelines for more information.

Please Note: You must apply annually and provide updated documentation each Academic year. Past approval for accommodation does not guarantee approval in subsequent years.

How Housing Accommodations are Assigned

After you are notified of your accommodation decision, you will be instructed how to proceed with room selection. If an accommodation is warranted, the primary criteria for assigning a room is providing a space that best fits your needs. Depending on your needs, options may be limited.

In the case where there are multiple options available, your preferences will be considered. Your options will be consistent with what you would have otherwise been able to obtain through the lottery process. Priority in room selection is based on class year. For example, based on historical precedent, rising sophomores whose accommodation is a single room, should expect to be able to choose from rooms in Meadows, Young, McIntire, or Clark. Those buildings would historically still be available when sophomores pick a room during lottery.

Please Note: If you choose to live in a hall that has a specific selection process (for example, Wellness Housing), you will be required to fulfill those requirements prior to placement.