
The registration of a vehicle does not guarantee a parking space on campus.

Student Parking Fees

The student parking fee is $180, annually. This fee is prorated to $90 per semester; and if applicable, a pro-rated refund may be given to students who cancel their registration prior to the end of the school year.

Summer parking for the months of June through August is $45.00

Commuting students will need to register for a parking permit to be able to park on campus in any available student parking area.

Parking registration fees go to the Wheaton College general fund.


Students will receive registration information via email prior to the end of the spring semester. Student parking spaces on campus are limited; and because student parking permit decals are issued on a first-come, first-served basis, returning students are encouraged to apply to register their vehicles (using the application form in insideWheaton) as early as possible.

To complete the Car Registration Application:

  • Log in to insideWheaton using your wID and password
  • On the left, open ‘Window’
  • Select ‘Student Financial Information’
  • Click the ‘Parking Application form’

Non-Massachusetts Residents

Students who are not Massachusetts residents must submit a ‘Nonresident Student Vehicle Information Form‘ to Campus Safety. The form can be completed and downloaded from The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles website.  An “out-of-state” decal will be issued, and it should be adhered to the center, upper portion of the front windshield. Failure to comply with this law could result in a fine to the student.

See more Student Parking Information here.

Faculty and Staff


Submit an application to register one or more vehicles online with no fee.

Changes in Registration Information

Permanent or temporary changes in vehicle registration information must be reported in a timely manner to Campus Safety. A new decal will be issued at no additional cost.

Temporary Passes

Temporary permits (for special parking accommodation or visitors, for example) may be issued in advance on a space-available basis by Campus Safety. Visit the car registration and decals page for more information.

Placement of Decals or Passes

Decals must be affixed to the inside rearmost, side, passenger window.

Parking “passes” must be displayed on the dashboard or the rear view mirror (as appropriate for the type of pass), and must be clearly visible from the outside of the vehicle.

Vehicles in which permits are not properly displayed are considered improperly registered, and may be ticketed or towed. Registrants must make special arrangements with Campus Safety for the display of decals on vehicles with tinted or plastic windows.