Fall 2005
Terry Adkins—sculptor
Kurt Brown—poet
Madeline H. Caviness—Professor of Art History, Tufts University
Liz Chalfin—printmaker
Ellie Crocker—painter
Rebecca Hale ’99—photographer, National Geographic
Ann Hamilton—artist
Anita S. Hunt—printmaker
Judith Ivey—actress
Benjamin Boyd Johnson—actor/clown extraordinaire
Douglad Knight—drummer
Luna Nova—(John McMurtery, flute; Craig Hultgren, cello; Adam Bowles, piano)
Nadia Mahdi—actress
Chee Malabar—The Himalayan Project
Cleopatra Mathis—poet
Michael Mazur—printmaker/teacher/writer
T. R. Murthy—Indian Bamboo flutist
Neil Semer—vocal and acting coach
Deb Shoval—writer/director of “An Olive on the Seder Plate”
Spoken Words (featuring Lemon Anderson, spoken work artist)
Michael Strauss—vocal coach
Reverend Billy (Bill Talen)—preacher/activist
Uma Vasudevan—Indian dancer
Spring 2006
John Ambrosone—lighting designer
Dr. Paul Austerlitz—ethnomusicologist
Benjamin Bagby—voice and anglo-saxon harp
Candice Brown—voice and movement coach
Marcella Calabi—soprano
William Clark—Professor of Art History, Queens College, CUNY
Christo and Jeanne-Claude—artists
Emmanuel Dongala—Congolese novelist and chemist
Eros/Logos a visual conversation among 6 Maine artists (Joseph Acrizzi, Ragna Bruno, Alan Crichton, Squidge Liljeblad Davis ’65, Monica Kelly, and Robert Shetterly)
Fortaleza de la Mujer Maya (FOMMA)—Theatrical Group
Nehassaiu de Gannes—actor
Mike Hansel—sculptor
Bob Hicok—poet
David Holleman—stained glass artist
Dr. Cheryl Keyes—Associate Professor of Ethnomusicology, UCLA
Holly Laws—sculptor
Michael Lazarus—painter
Celia Malheiros—Brazilian vocalist
Mango Blue (featuring Alex Alvear, composer/bassist/singer)
Paul Mauren—sculptor
William McLaughlin—choreographer
Stephen Murray—Professor of Art History, Columbia University
Victor Romanul—violinist, Boston Symphony Orchestra
Dr. Alexandra Schwartz—Assistant curator of Prints and Drawings, MoMA
Michael Strauss—vocal coach
Nicole Tadgell—illustrator
Take 6—a cappella group (Mark and Joey Kibble, Cedric Dent, Alvin Chea, David Thomas and Claude McKnight)
Anne West—Adjunct Faculty Member, RISD
Pablo Zinger—vocal coach