
What makes a human, human? Anthropology looks at the entire human experience: our biology, the way we think, how we evolved, what we eat, where we live and what we’re capable of achieving. With a vast selection of electives, you can choose to dig into archaeology of the Southwest, discover more about the peoples and cultures of the Himalayas, or examine the ecology and politics of food. As an anthropology major, you might find yourself immersed in another culture during a semester, summer or year abroad. You can also choose a public health track, which joins the social sciences and biology.




98% of Anthropology majors from the past five years have found employment or achieved a service opportunity within six months of graduation. *


Sample First Jobs

  • Donor Communications Associate, New York Civil Liberties Union
  • Editorial Assistant, Elsevier
  • Health Care Assistant, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts
  • Insurance Coordinator, Center for Autism and Related Disorders
  • Teacher, WorldTeach

Sample Graduate Schools

  • George Mason University
  • Harvard University
  • Oxford University
  • University of Notre Dame
  • University of Washington

Wheaton Anthropology majors are eligible for accelerated admission to the Masters in Gender and Cultural Studies program at Simmons University.

Since 2004, Anthropology graduates have been awarded 28 national scholarships: eleven Fulbright Fellowships, a Watson Fellowship, a Beinecke Scholarship, a Rotary Global Grant, an International Scholarship at National Taiwan University for Advanced Mandarin Studies, a JET Fellowship, eleven Davis International Fellowships, and two Davis Projects for Peace Awards.


Offered by the Anthropology department.