Statement of Commitment

Wheaton College is committed to helping students achieve academic and personal success, both in and out of the classroom environment. The mission of Accessibility Services is to help all students to fully access the academic, residential, and social aspects of student life at Wheaton College.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the College provides accommodations for eligible students with documented disabilities to afford equal access to educational programs and services. This is to ensure all students fully access the academic, residential, and social aspects of the student experience.

Accessibility Services Office within the Filene Center

The Filene Center for Academic Advising, Support & Accessibility team is dedicated to helping all Wheaton College students in all programs of study achieve their academic goals and attain academic success by providing them with an array of supportive services and resources.

Contact our Accessibility Services Team

Elizabeth Schuster, Director, Accessibility Services
Frannie Palmer, Accessibility Specialist
Email: [email protected]
Filene Center Front Desk: 508-286-8215


Schedule an appointment with Elizabeth Schuster, Director, Accessibility Services

Schedule an appointment with Frannie Palmer, Accessibility Specialist

Filene Center for Academic Advising, Support & Accessibility
Wheaton College
26 East Main St.
Norton, MA 02766
508-286-8215 voice
508-286-5828 TTY
508-286-5621 fax

Important information and links