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Degree Students

Tuition charges for degree students are not based on credit hours for courses. While the normal course load is four courses per term, some students are approved by the Committee on Admissions and Academic Standing to take additional courses; extenuating circumstances may justify an occasional request for a reduced course load. Students living on campus are required to pay full tuition regardless of the number of courses they take in a given term.

Students who are within two credits of completing the requirements for graduation and who do not live on campus may request a pro-rated tuition charge; if a student chooses to reside on campus, full tuition will be charged but no restrictions will be placed on the number of courses she or he may take.

Students should be aware that requesting a reduced course load could affect the financial aid they are receiving in the current or future terms. We recommend that any financially aided student petitioning for a reduced course load meet with a Student Financial Services counselor to review the impact on their aid eligibility.

Dropping to Part-Time Status after the Start of Term

Tuition on courses dropped after the end of each term’s registration add/drop period, bringing the student’s course load below full-time status, will remain charged at 100%.

Full-time students refer to the College’s Refund Policy for further information.

Non-degree Students

Special Program (non-degree seeking) students are required to pay for all classes at the time of registration. Payments can be made through Campus Commerce.

The following rates are effective July 1, 2025 for the 2025 – 2026  academic year

Tuition for Special Programs
Program Cost Conditions Audit  Cost Fees
Part-time Non-degree Special Student
$8,122.50 Per course Per course: may not live in campus housing $100 Per course $110 Per term
Part-time Degree Student
$8,122.50 Per course Per course: approval by Petition to CAS and SFS only, may not live in campus housing $225 $110/$250 Per term
Visiting Student
Full-time Tuition Apply through Admission Office
Alumni Audit $50 Per course $110 Per term
Norton Resident $150 Per course for maximum of four courses. (no more than one course per semester for four semesters – fall and spring semesters only) $15 Per course $110 Per term


The following rates are effective July 1, 2024 for the 2024 – 2025  academic year

Tuition for Special Programs
Program Cost Conditions Audit  Cost Fees
Part-time Non-degree Special Student
$7,905 Per course Per course: may not live in campus housing $100 Per course $110 Per term
Part-time Degree Student
$7,905 Per course Per course: approval by Petition to CAS and SFS only, may not live in campus housing $225 $110/$250 Per term
Visiting Student
Full-time Tuition Apply through Admission Office
Alumni Audit $50 Per course $110 Per term
Norton Resident $150 Per course for maximum of four courses. (no more than one course per semester for four semesters – fall and spring semesters only) $15 Per course $110 Per term