This policy applies to students. The Staff Handbook contains the corresponding policy for faculty and staff.

Wheaton College provides enterprise-grade wireless network access in all campus residence halls and academic and administrative buildings to support its educational mission. This policy applies to Students who access computer, telecommunications, or network resources at Wheaton College.

The Wheaton College Acceptable Use Policy For Students is designed to promote responsible and ethical use of campus networks and electronic resources. Adherence to this policy contributes to a positive learning environment and fosters a culture of integrity within the Wheaton community.

The Wheaton College Honor Code and Community Standards apply to using the college’s network and computing services. Actions unacceptable in other settings are also unacceptable on the network, computing systems, and other electronic services, including but not limited to:

  • Harassment in any form is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
  • Damage to the property and disrespect to the rights of others at all times.
  • Forgery or other misrepresentation of one’s identity is strictly prohibited.
  • Distribution of copyrighted materials without the copyright owner’s permission is prohibited.
  • Creation, distribution, or procurement of explicit/illicit content is strictly prohibited.

Additional Policies Specific to Wheaton’s Network and Electronic Services:

  • Authorized Use – College systems and networks may only be used for legal purposes and to access systems, software, and data for which the user is authorized.
  • Commercial and Political Use – College Network and Electronic Services are provided for use consistent with the institution’s academic mission and may not be used for private commercial or partisan political purposes, personal gain, or unsolicited advertising.
  • Privacy Rights – Users must not violate the privacy rights of individuals, the college’s confidentiality policy, or related laws.
  • Licensing Agreement – Information resources that the college licenses may not be retransmitted outside the college community.
  • Illegal File Downloading and Sharing – Downloading or sharing of copyrighted materials, including software, movies, or files, via torrent or other peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing networks without proper authorization is strictly prohibited.
  • Wi-Fi Usage – Students can only use the college’s Wi-Fi network for internal and internet access. Physical connection of devices to Ethernet jacks on campus is not allowed.
  • Use of Personal Wi-Fi Equipment  – Using or installing Wi-Fi equipment such as Routers, Repeaters, DHCP or DNS Servers, or Extenders outside of the college’s enterprise Wi-Fi network equipment is strictly prohibited.
  • Network Equipment – Modifying or extending the college’s network and Wireless equipment beyond its intended use is prohibited.
  • Dynamic IP Addressing – Users must not manually assign IP addresses or DNS servers to their devices, which may disrupt network access for others.
  • Network Sharing – Users must not use applications or services that inhibit or interfere with others’ network use.
  • Cryptocurrency Mining – Using campus network and electrical services for cryptocurrency mining is strictly prohibited.
  • Competitive Gaming and Live Streaming – While casual gaming and live streaming are allowed, users should know that our campus Wi-Fi networks prioritize connectivity for academic needs and essential activities. We cannot guarantee optimal performance for competitive gaming or resource-heavy live streaming. The IT Department cannot provide support for these technologies in any capacity.
  • Electronic mail is a college resource and is provided as a college-related communications tool. Others may view your messages inadvertently. There is no guarantee of privacy for an electronic mail message.

Users must know and obey the policies established for the systems and networks they access. Administrators are responsible for protecting users’ rights, setting policies consistent with those rights, and publicizing those policies to users. They have the authority to control or refuse access to the network or other services to anyone who violates these policies or threatens the rights of other users. The AUP will be reviewed periodically to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.

Violations of the Acceptable Use Policy will be treated as violations of the Honor Code and will be referred to the Dean of Students Office for disciplinary action. Prosecution under State and Federal laws may also apply.

Updated 6/3/2024