Artist Talk with Shaquora R’ Bey

Watson Fine Arts - Ellison Lecture Hall Norton, MA

Artist Shaquora R’ Bey will share her history as a doll maker and soft sculptor. Bey is an artist whose work encompasses a wide range of media including textiles, crotchet, beads, and unique hair designs.


A Pink-Collar Profession: Education and Equality in the Museum Field

Watson Fine Arts - Ellison Lecture Hall Norton, MA

Meghan Quigley Graham, Wheaton class of 2011, will share her experiences in the museum field as a student intern, administrative assistant, graduate student and museum educator as well as a pro-union organizer.


Student Film Screening

Watson Fine Arts - Ellison Lecture Hall Norton, MA

The Film & New Media and Visual Art programs present a screening celebrating the work of last semester's film and animation students.


Negotiating for Future Career Success

Watson Fine Arts - Ellison Lecture Hall Norton, MA

We negotiate everyday - with faculty, roommates, and family. But negotiating with a stranger, an internship supervisor or a future boss is not so easy and could have long-term consequences. Come to this session if you want to ensure you receive a competitive salary, understand benefits and time off and how to negotiate for the […]

Puerto Rican Poetic Resistance(s) to Continued Colonialism: Interactive workshop with Dr. Melinda González

Watson Fine Arts - Ellison Lecture Hall Norton, MA

Poetry-based art movements have functioned as an important locus of community organizing and political discourse across both Puerto Rico and the U.S. since at least the 1930s. In this interactive workshop, scholar-activist-poet Dr. Melinda González will perform poems, facilitate a poetry writing workshop, and discuss the role of poetry spaces in disaster recovery in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria […]


A Watchman’s Web: Using Archives to Visualize 19th-Century Providence—12th Annual Mary L. Heuser Lecture featuring Dr. C. Morgan Grefe

Watson Fine Arts - Ellison Lecture Hall Norton, MA

A young watchman at Providence’s Prison made a resolution to keep a daily diary in 1867. He recorded his work with the men and women incarcerated there; but, unlike today, the watchmen lived in the prison as well. What can we learn about Rhode Island history from his words? Dr. Grefe will explore the ways […]
