2024 Visual Art and Design Majors’ Senior Exhibition
Sonder: the realization that each passerby’s life is as vivid and complex as your own
This annual exhibition highlights the work of Wheaton’s 21 graduating visual art and design majors.  It features animation, painting, sculpture, app design, architecture, apparel design, photography, drawing, and textiles. The exhibition runs April 18–May 18, 2024 (hours may vary during finals and senior week May 7–18)

Join us as we explore the wide wide world of graphic design and its relationship to other design disciplines.

Doug Scott’s design work has won awards from the American Institute of Graphic Arts, Society of Typographic Arts, Boston Hatch Awards, New York Art Directors Club, Boston Art Directors Club, Broadcast Designers Association and Bookbuilders of Boston. He has been a member of the American Institute of Graphic Arts since 1974 and served on its national board of directors from 1989–1992. He currently runs a design practice doing book and identity design, and is consulting Art Director of Davis Publications, an art education publisher in Worcester, Massachusetts. Scott teaches graphic design, exhibition design, typography and graphic design history at the RISD and teaches graphic design and design history at the Yale School of Art. He has also taught at UMASS/Dartmouth, Northeastern, RIC and Connecticut College.

We have boxes of brightly colored pencils, marking pens, hex codes, and seasonal fashions.  All of these give us access to color. But could it be that we are not seeing the whole picture in the color choices that are offered to us? The way many of us identify individual colors actually closes us off from the protean nature of color and from our abilities to interact with our color vision.  Color is not a thing; it is a relationship between. In this talk, artist Rosy Lamb shares her research into color as a responsive language we all can learn to speak by listening, and by attending to what our eyes see all around us.  Her reserach includes a prototype of a digital tool she is developing, which allows users to intuitively build relational colors using a similar methodology to pigment mixing.

Celebrate the opening of the 2023 Senior Art Exhibition—(dis)connect: a moment in time. This annual capstone exhibition highlights the work of Wheaton’s senior visual art and design majors.

Video Game Development, WorldBuilding, and Gameplay. Writer and designer for games including Axis & Allies, Heroes of Newerth, Primordia and Dragon Age, Mark Yohalem presents his portfolio alongside sharing tips on how to pursue your passion in video games.

This event will be presented via Zoom, registration is required.

Zoom Registration