UX Practice & Designing Software that Enables Sustainable Building
UX strategist, designer and author Deborah A. Levinson graduated with a degree in Creative Writing and she will share her professional journey to UX. She will discuss what a work day looks like and how she helps one long-term client design software for architects and builders to select and specify the use of green building materials. A brief Q&A session will be included in this event. Light snacks will be provided during the presentation.
Poets and co-hosts of the podcast The Ritter read from their work, discuss their podcast, their decision to enroll the podcast in a VC Accelerator, and how they’ve been translating their academic training into a marketable foundation for running their podcast. A brief Q&A session will be included in this event.
Original five-minute plays—written, directed, and performed by Wheaton students—are showcased in our biannual festival.
Please note: the location for this event has been moved to the Holman Room
Seniors graduating with a degree in creative writing and literature showcase original works of poetry, fiction and dramatic writing.
Original five-minute plays—written, directed, and performed by Wheaton students—are showcased in our biannual festival.
**please note, this event was originally scheduled for April 6, 2024
Original five-minute plays written, directed, and performed by Wheaton students will be showcased in our biannual festival.
Longer form plays—written, directed and performed by Wheaton students—will be showcased in our annual festival. This festival includes four performances over 2 days, different works will be featured at each seating. 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. daily.
Seniors graduating with a degree in creative writing and literature showcase original works of poetry, fiction and dramatic writing.
Diana Khoi Nguyen is a first-generation Vietnamese-American poet whose book, Ghost Of, is an elegy for her brother, and she explores the difficulties felt by parents from this culture. A brief Q&A will follow this evening event.
Original plays—written, directed and performed by Wheaton students—will be showcased in our biannual festival.