Futurist Bruce Sterling will critically examine the past, present, and future state of Artificial Intelligence. “AI is not entrepreneurial in spirit, it is not exciting, cutting edge start up innovation.  AI is big tech oligarchy.”

Bruce Sterling is a writer, journalist, design philosopher and futurist.  He has written a dozen science fiction novels and many short stories for which he earned several Hugo awards and other prizes.  As a writer, as well as an editor of anthologies like MIT Technology Review’s Twelve Tomorrows, Bruce has been playing a main role in shaping the genre of cyberpunk.

Vincent Warne, (writer, artist, and current Managing Editor of the Millennium Film Journal whose work concerns the history and future of film and the moving image), gives an introduction to Vilém Flusser, and thoughts on AI art.  More than any other medium, AI text-to-image synthesis lays bare the truth that all art is really curation.  An artist absorbs influences from the world—from experiences, memories, other artworks—and synthesizes them into a new form via a medium.  AI images work in the same way.


Location TBD.