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All on-campus fund-raising activity must be approved by the Student Life Office. This includes, but is not limited to: Student Life raffles, athletic team merchandise sales, event sponsorship, and non-profit fundraisers for special projects.

Fundraising by Faculty and Administration

Requests by faculty and administrative employees of the College to raise funds or solicit business on campus should be directed to the Dean of Students Office. This includes, but is not limited to, any fund-raising or collections for off-campus charities or any open party where admission is charged of all guests for the purpose of making money.

Fundraising from External Constituencies

It is important to send a consistent message to those who are willing to support the financial needs of the College; therefore, written permission must be obtained from the Office of College Advancement for any external fund-raising project which may involve solicitation of Wheaton alumnae, parents, corporations, foundations or Wheaton Associates.

The Office of College Advancement shall have the primary responsibility for establishing and documenting the terms on which a particular gift is made, in conformance with the current fund-raising priorities and gift crediting guidelines.

All gifts to Wheaton College must be received through the Office of College Advancement, in order to be properly credited as a gift to the College, and recorded for value by the Office of Budget and Accounting Services.

Fundraising by Student Organizations

With the written approval of the Student Life Office, groups of students or staff may fund-raise on campus. This includes any fund-raising or collections for off-campus charities or any open party where admission is charged of all guests for the purpose of making money.

Student groups or organizations may sponsor or host sales representatives from commercial enterprises if registered with the Student Life Office and with an understanding from the commercial enterprise that the sponsoring group receives 20% of the profit. The Student Office has the right to reject any project deemed unacceptable or that violates state or College regulations.

An application form is available in the Student Life Office and must be completed by the person(s) assuming financial liability for incurred costs.

If a fundraising project has not been approved in advance, sanctions may be taken in the form of revoking fund-raising privileges and/or assessing as a fine all or a portion of the funds raised.

Fundraising by Individual Students

Wheaton students may earn money on campus in two ways:

  1. by offering services such as typing, baby-sitting, selling handmade products, etc.
  2. by being an on-campus representative of a commercial firm, such as being a representative of a travel agent or selling products manufactured elsewhere

In either case all projects must have the written approval of Student Life. The Student Life Office has the right to reject any project deemed unacceptable or that violates state or College regulations.

Applications are available in the Student Life Office.

Fundraising by Non-student Organizations

Requests by non-student organizations to raise funds or solicit business on campus should be directed to the Student Life Office. A non-student organization must be sponsored by a student organization and give 20% of the profit to the sponsoring student organization or group. No company, firm, etc. can be on campus more than twice a semester.

Distribution of Printed Matter or Merchandise on Campus

The distribution of printed matter or merchandise will not be permitted on College property without receiving permission from the Student Life Office. Anyone who is not currently enrolled as a student or is not a member of the faculty or staff may not distribute information on campus without permission from the Dean of Students Office. No posters for outside businesses can be posted without the approval of the Student Life Office.

Students may not distribute material under students’ doors or in their mailboxes without permission from the Dean of Students Office.

Fundraising Regulations

  1. No door-to-door solicitation.
  2. No use of campus telephones for business purposes; student representatives should restrict their business calls to private phones.
  3. Mail can only be distributed to students or staff if addressed with a name and box number or office.
  4. College buildings cannot be used for commercial purposes. The only exception to this is the vendor cart in the Balfour-Hood Center which is available to each vendor twice a semester at a charge of $40.00 for a day (hours 10am–4pm). Reservations must be made in the Student Life Office.
  5. All posters, literature or advertisements must be approved by the Student Life Office.
  6. The use of the college calendar for any type of advertisements or announcements is prohibited.
  7. The use of advertising in the Wheaton Wire or WCCS is encouraged.
  8. Individuals may not sponsor or host sales representatives from commercial enterprises anywhere on campus.
  9. Students must never provide Wheaton College student directories to any person or company.