Faculty Speaker Series


Join Miranda Yaver, Assistant Professor of Political Science for her upcoming lunch talk, Rationing By Inconvenience: The Scope and Impact of Health Coverage Denials in the U.S.

Faculty Speaker Series


Join Geoff Collins, Professor of Geology and Emily Martin '06, Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum for their upcoming lunch talk, The Sands of Iceland Meet the Snow of Enceladus: The (literal) pit falls of planetary science.

Faculty Speaker Series


Join Lisa Lebduska, Professor of English, Director of College Writing, for the upcoming lunch talk, Discussing Chat GPT: Questions and Possibilities for Our Writing Futures.

Faculty Speaker Series


Join Dana M. Polanichka, Associate Professor of History, for the upcoming lunch talk, Writing in Exile: A Medieval's Mother Manifesto.

Faculty Speaker Series


Join Karen McCormack, Professor of Sociology and Christina Riggs Romaine, Associate Professor of Sociology for their Faculty Lunch Talk, Learning Behind the Prison Walls: Wheaton's First Inside-Out Course.

Faculty Speaker Series


Join Ursula Moffitt, Assistant Professor of Psychology, for the upcoming lunch talk, Race Talk During the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election: Emerging Adults' Critical Consciousness and Racial Identity in Context.