Problem Ideation Workshop

Do you want to Make Meaning while you’re Making Money?  Do you see yourself as a changemaker with a vision to move the world to a better place?  If so, […]

Student Business Showcase

The Dimple Norton, MA, United States

Stop by the second Student Business Showcase to see the unique, innovative businesses that your fellow Wheaton students have created.  Pick up a little something for yourself or learn about […]

Problem Ideation Workshop

Emerson Dining Hall - President's Dining Room Norton, United States

Do you want to Make Meaning while you’re Making Money?  Do you see yourself as a changemaker with a vision to move the world to a better place?  If so, […]

Problem Ideation Workshop

Do you want to Make Meaning while you’re Making Money?  Do you see yourself as a changemaker with a vision to move the world to a better place?  If so, […]

WiN Hub Open House

Stop by the WiN Hub to get a different perspective on creating social change.  Learn about some of the resources and opportunities available to students who want to make a difference in the world.  Meet Entrepreneur-In-Residence Courtney Wilson, enjoy refreshments, and enter to win great prizes. The WiN Hub is located in the basement of […]

If I Had a Million Dollars……..

Discovery Center - Hindle Auditorium Norton, MA, United States

Come listen to your fellow students' vision for how they would change the world and watch them pitch for cash prizes to transform their idea into action. This event is co-sponsored by The WiN Hub and the Social Entrepreneurship Club.  Refreshments will be served.