Publications, honors and creative works: Faculty
Kirk Anderson, professor of French studies, published the article “Song ‘Adaptations’ and the Globalisation of French Pop, 1960–1970,” in the August 2015 issue of French Cultural Studies.
Delvyn Case, associate professor of music, had three compositions published by Keepe Publishing House, which specializes in contemporary music for saxophone: “Dayspring” (tenor saxophone and piano), “Gemini Variations” (two alto saxophones) and “Siciliana” (soprano saxophone and string trio).
Sam Coale, professor of English, presented the talk “Mysteries of Literature: An Insider’s Journey of Discovery” at the July 2015 annual meeting of the Brownell Library, in Little Compton, R.I.
Geoffrey Collins, professor of geology, co-published the article “Global Thrust Faulting on the Moon and the Influence of Tidal Stresses,” in Geology (the flagship journal of the Geological Society of America), in October 2015.
Peony Fhagen, associate professor of psychology, published the entry “Biracial Identity” in the Sage Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence (Sage, April 2015).
Nancy Kendrick, professor of philosophy, published the article “Berkeley’s Bermuda Project and The Ladies Library,” in Berkeley Revisited: Moral, Social and Political Philosophy (Oxford Studies in the Enlightenment, 2015); and the essay “The ‘Empty Amusement’ of Willing: Berkeley on Agent Causation” in the July 2015 issue of the journal Berkeley Studies.
John Miller, professor of economics, published the opinion piece “The Argument: Should the state adopt the proposed tax on top earners to raise money for education and transportation?” in the Boston Globe South, Aug. 14, 2015. He also participated in the debate on sweatshops and poverty, “Sweatshops: Exploitation or Salvation,” at Metropolitan State University, in Denver, Colo., on Feb. 19, 2015.
Brenda Wyss, associate professor of economics, published the article “Seats for the 51%: Beyond the Business Case for Corporate Board Quotas in Jamaica,” in the September 2015 issue of the Review of Black Political Economy.