- Events
- Students
- No events scheduled for October 18, 2018.
- No events scheduled for October 20, 2018.
- No events scheduled for October 21, 2018.
Week of Events
Park Hall Open House
Park Hall Open House
Are you curious about what goes on behind the walls of Park Hall? Please join the friendly staff of Park Hall for an entertaining tour, light refreshments, prizes and a special guest. Enter for a chance to win a Bookstore gift card! Join us on Monday, October 15th from 3:00pm - 4:30pm. See you then!
Information session on Semester in the City
Information session on Semester in the City
Wheaton undergraduates have the opportunity to spend a semester in Boston in a vigorous 30+ hour per week meaningful internship with a leading social change organization (nonprofit, business, or public sector) – in community development, social justice, health, education, environment, and other areas dedicated to the public good.
On-Campus Flu Shot Clinic
On-Campus Flu Shot Clinic
It's not too late to vaccinate!! Walk-in flu shot clinic - No pre-registration required. Wednesday, October 17th, and Thursday, October 25th, 12:30 - 3:30 PM, 1960 Room.
Marshall Center for Intercultural Learning hosts Exploring Internship Workshop
Marshall Center for Intercultural Learning hosts Exploring Internship Workshop
Come join us at our Exploring Internship Lunch and Learn Workshop on Friday, October 19th from 12:30 - 1:30pm. Come hear from the staff of career services about obtaining a summer internship and funding opportunities.
Weaving as Art and Technology
Weaving as Art and Technology
Come learn to weave. It's an ancient art and craft and an opportunity to create --- with color, texture and pattern. Weaving workshops are scheduled for October 19 & 26, and November 2. Come to one or all!
Domestic Violence Candlelight Vigil
Domestic Violence Candlelight Vigil
Join us as we acknowledge and honor the stories of those impacted by relationship violence.