Free, Confidential STD Testing
FREE, CONFIDENTIAL HIV & STD TESTING by Taunton Family Planning at Norton Medical Center
FREE, CONFIDENTIAL HIV & STD TESTING by Taunton Family Planning at Norton Medical Center
Two exhibitions celebrate Andrew K. Howard’s 43-year tenure as Professor of Art at Wheaton College. Howard’s landscape photographs of Alaska and the American Southwest are exhibited alongside the works of his former students—Robin Bowman, Liz Corman, Adam Ekberg, Rebecca Hale, Jenna Lee Mason, and Danielle Mourning—Wheaton alumni from class years 1982–2008. Beard & Weil Galleries, Watson Fine Arts
Artist Panel: March 21, 5:00 p.m.
Weber Theatre, Watson Fine Arts
Opening Reception: March 21, 6:00–8:30 p.m.
Haas Concourse & Lobby, Watson Fine Arts
Join us for this annual event recognizing employee's years of service to the College and presenting this year's Staff Excellence Awards.
In response to the terrorist attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand, the Muslim Student Association and The Base are holding a brave space conversation on Friday, March 22.
After this date, petitions for course withdrawals (WD recorded on transcript) will be considered only for documented and extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control.
These can only be submitted if the student is currently taking the last course in the connection. Attention Seniors: self-initiated connection proposals will not be accepted in your final semester.