As a community that values personal wellness as paramount for academic success, Wheaton provides educational opportunities to enhance the safety of our students in all aspects of their lives. To accomplish this, we require every new student to complete four online educational courses provided by Vector Solutions before the start of the academic career at Wheaton:

  1. AlcoholEdu for College is a non-opinionated, science-based course taken by hundreds of thousands of students each year.  Whether you drink or not, AlcoholEdu will empower you to make well-informed decisions about alcohol and help you better understand the drinking behavior of your peers.
  1. Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates addresses the critical issues of sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking, and will provide you with important skills to intervene in potentially dangerous situations.
  1. Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging for Students Taking a social justice approach, this course will discuss concepts such as inclusion, power, privilege, identities, and communication as well as strategies related to ally behavior, self-care, and creating inclusive spaces. Through interactive scenarios, personal reflection, and skill-building activities, you will explore your own identities and learn how to create inclusive communities through allyship and bystander intervention.
  1. Mental Well-being for Students equips undergraduates with essential skills and information to navigate the stressors and emotional challenges associated with college life. This course helps learners practice self-care strategies, recognize when they or their peers are in distress, and take action to find additional support through teaching them to respond with supportive and empathetic language and behavior. There is a “Talk to Someone” feature within this course that can directly contact you with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

You will receive more information in your email from the Dean of Students Office in June regarding these courses. Please be sure to follow the directions listed in that email to complete these requirements as a component of your orientation to Wheaton College.