Wheaton College Campus Safety strives to develop and maintain positive relationships with all members of the Wheaton College community and endeavors to provide the highest quality of service possible.
Our goal is to ensure that Department employees are guided by principles so every individual they come in contact with be treated equally and with dignity.
If you are highlighting the positive work of a member of the department, please document your compliment using the form below or by e-mailing the Director of Campus Safety directly.
If you  are filing a citizen’s complaint, its’ subsequent investigation, will cause Campus Safety to examine the services that are provided to the Wheaton College community and to make improvements when needed.
Each complaint will be accepted in a courteous and professional manner. All complaints will be properly documented and investigated in a timely fashion with appropriate follow up. Anonymous complaints, while accepted will limit our ability to adequately resolve the issue without corroborating information.
If you wish to file a formal complaint, please fill out the form below. A trained investigator will be assigned and will be in contact with you. If you would like to immediately speak with a Supervisor about the incident please call 508-286-8213 and ask for the Shift Sergeant on duty. If one is not on duty, please leave your contact information so that the Director of Campus Safety can return your call.