
Sociology is an incredibly diverse field of study. At its core is human interaction, which can be studied from many perspectives: education, environment, the workplace, and other social structures. A major in sociology introduces you to research methods, hones your writing skills, builds emotional intelligence, and increases your cultural competency. After graduation, Wheaton sociology majors often pursue advanced degrees in the social sciences. This major also prepares you for careers in health and human services, marketing, law enforcement, public policy, and urban planning.



Sample First Jobs

  • Mentor Center Director, On Common Ground
  • Morning Producer, WPRI
  • Healthcare Assistant, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts
  • Clinical Research Assistant, Concord Prison Outreach
  • Assistant to the Founder & CEO, Changing the Face of Medicine

Sample Graduate Schools

  • Harvard University
  • Northeastern University
  • Smith College
  • UMass-Amherst

Wheaton Sociology majors are eligible for accelerated admission to the Masters in Public Policy program at Simmons University


Offered by the Sociology department.