Recommended items to bring for your first few days
Linens/Laundry Supplies – strongly recommend these three items are sent to campus in advance
- Twin XL sheets
- Towels
- Pillow
- Shower shoes (flip-flops)
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Bath and face soap
- Travel soap container(s)
- Toothpaste and toothbrush
- Dental floss
Clothing (remember to pack light )
- Pants/jeans
- Shirts/blouses
- Shoes/sneakers
- Light sweaters
Personal Items
- Umbrella
- Backpack
- Water Bottle
- Laptop
- Cell phone
Items that can be purchased upon arrival
Linens/Laundry Supplies
- Comforter/bedspread
- Clothes hangers
- Laundry bag/basket
- Laundry detergent
Office/Desk Supplies
- Pens and pencils
- Pencil holder and sharpener
- Notebooks
- HDMI cord, Ethernet cord for computer
- Surge protector
- Extension cords
- 3-2 prong adapters
Room Needs/Storage
- Bedside lamp
- Mini trash can
- Under-the-bed storage bins
- Desk lamp
- Fan
- Bulletin board and pushpins
- Dry-erase wall calendar/board
- Mini toolkit (including screwdriver, hammer,
Shared Items — Check with roommate(s)
- Audio equipment
- TV and DVD player
- Small refrigerator
- Heavy clothing
- Hats, gloves, scarves
Household and Kitchen Items
- Paper towels
- Trash bags
- Light bulbs
- All-purpose cleaner
- Plastic storage bags
- Food-storage containers
- Dish soap
- Tissues
- Bowl, plate and cup
- Coffee mug