Do you want to know more about health insurance while traveling abroad? Click the links below to learn more about the services provided.
On this page
- Health Insurance
- CISI Insurance
- What does it cover?
- When am I covered?
- How do I get a medical insurance ID card?
- What if have questions about my benefits?
- What do I do if I get sick or injured?
- How do I find a doctor in my area?
- What do I do if I am unable to locate a CISI doctor?
- If I have to pay out of pocket, how do I get reimbursed?
- Can I extend my coverage beyond the duration of my program?
Health Insurance
Your health and safety are our top priority. In order to insure that you have appropriate coverage while abroad, the Center for Global Education has contracted with Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI). Most of you will be required to purchase this insurance as part of your program fees. If your study abroad program provides you with international health insurance we do not sign you up for CISI. Since this coverage only covers you while abroad, this insurance policy does not replace the health insurance policy you already have. Please do not cancel your current health insurance policy.
CISI Insurance
- CISI Study Abroad Supplemental Insurance Coverage (pdf)
- CISI Insurance Claim Form (pdf)
- CISI Insurance Claim Form (Word Doc)
- Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI)
- Gallagher Koster Health Insurance
What does it cover?
The CISI Education Abroad insurance plan will provide you with up to $250,000 of medical benefits while you are abroad. There is no deductible per injury or sickness. It provides 100% coverage for physician office visits, inpatient hospital services, and outpatient hospital and physician services. It also provides excellent coverage for inpatient treatment of mental and nervous disorders; In addition it covers accidental death and dismemberment up to $10,000, repatriation of remains up to $100,000 and medical evacuation up to $100,000.
When am I covered?
CISI insurance coverage begins on the date you depart the U.S. and ends on the date you are originally scheduled to arrive in the U.S. If you change your return date it is important to realize that you will no longer be insured. You may extend your coverage by contacting CISI directly. It is also important that you retain the domestic health insurance you already have.
How do I get a medical insurance ID card?
A CISI identification card is provided to each student prior to departure. You will be sent an email containing your coverage details, insurance card, and a copy of the claim form. Emergency phone numbers are listed on the front of the card. Pay attention to this email. Print out your insurance card and put it in your wallet. Read the materials! Show them to your parents! You don’t want to be searching for information in the middle of an emergency situation.
What if have questions about my benefits?
If you have questions about benefits, you can always contact CISI directly:
Telephone: (800) 303-8120
[email protected]
What do I do if I get sick or injured?
It is important that you contact CISI first for all routine, non-emergency requests for health information, direct billing with physicians and hospitals, and outpatient appointment scheduling. By contacting CISI first, they will be able to start the billing process and you will not be stuck paying upfront and waiting to be reimbursed.
Telephone: (800) 303-8120
Email: [email protected]
In the event of a medical emergency, Students should go immediately to the nearest physician or hospital and then contact CISI’s emergency assistance service. CISI will continuously monitor the Student’s medical situation, and provide care options, if appropriate.
Call AXA ASSISTANCE at (855) 327-1411 (in U.S.), (312) 935-1703 (call collect from outside the U.S.)
Email: [email protected]
Your Team Assist ID # is GLM N0496522A
How do I find a doctor in my area?
CISI is contracted with many carefully selected doctors, dentists and behavioral health practitioners in 160 countries around the world. Participants can search by location and review the list of CISI preferred physicians, choosing the one most appropriate to treat his or her medical condition. Requests for appointments can be made directly to the physician, or can be coordinated through CISI. Requests for direct billing should be made in advance of the scheduled appointment through CISI. To find a CISI doctor, login to the CISI website,
What do I do if I am unable to locate a CISI doctor?
You can always go to any doctor, pay out of pocket and then get reimbursed. You may first want to contact CISI to see if they can locate a doctor for you:
Telephone: (800) 303-8120
Email: [email protected]
If I have to pay out of pocket, how do I get reimbursed?
By filing a claim with a receipt for your expenses/services and sending it to CISI. This claim form can be used for prescriptions, and for fees for outpatient services not invoiced directly to CISI. Claim forms are available online at You may send completed claim forms to the following address:
1 High Ridge Park, Stamford, CT 06905 | E-mail: [email protected] | Fax: (203) 399-5596
For claim submission questions, call (203) 399-5130, or e-mail [email protected]
Can I extend my coverage beyond the duration of my program?
Yes, as long you are enrolled as a Student of the university. You must do so directly with CISI.