Our Team
Aziz Abdulaziz, ’26
Physics and Arabic Tutor
I am a physics and computer science major. I also enjoy teaching languages and learning more about them.
Wendy Ainsworth, ’25
Writing Tutor
I am double majoring in English and Secondary Education, with a minor in Environmental Studies. I am from Northern Vermont and my favorite seasons are fall and winter because I equally enjoy stepping on crispy leaves and shoveling snow. Along with being a writing tutor, I am a tour guide, a member of SGA, and a Mayfellow. I also love to dance and hang out with my friends.
Rachel Barretta
Writing Tutor
Hi! I’m Rachel, and I am a Secondary Education and English double major with a minor in Hispanic Studies. I am on the rugby team and a part of Best Buds. In my free time, I love painting, working with animals, and hanging out with friends.
Paul Berteaux, ’27
French Tutor
I am from Paris, France where I’ve lived for my entire life, but I followed a half English half French education in international schools. I am very excited as a native French speaker to help students improve considerably in a short amount of time.
Colin Bourget
Writing Tutor
I am an English and Theatre double major!
Avery Chan, ’25
COMP 115, 118, 121 Tutor
I plan to double major in Business and Management and Computer Science. I like sports (MLB, NFL, NBA, and Soccer).
Alicia Chang, ’25
Japanese Tutor
I’m always looking to support and encourage those who are interested in studying the Japanese Language. I’m from the Bay Area where we have a prominent Japanese-American community. Being so close to SF Japantown has given me opportunities to work, intern and volunteer at the local non profits. It has always been important to me to interact with people and be involved within the community. At Wheaton, I’m pursuing Design with a concentration in Graphic Design and Visual Communication and a Marketing minor. I’m an aspiring UX Designer with a curiosity for understanding how people interact with and think about products to optimize their experience.
Will Chappell, ’26
Data Science and COMP 115 Tutor
I’m a math major and a computer science minor. I’m a member of Wheaton’s swim team. I’m into sports, roller coasters, and traveling.
Ryan Clark, ’25
Physics and Calc 1 & 2 Tutor
Hi! I’m a Physics major/Astronomy minor, and a first-generation student from Northborough, MA. In my spare time, I volunteer for a non-profit that supports LGBTQ+ youth. I love music, reading, longboarding, skiing, and learning about space. I also like watercolor painting and board games. I am looking forward to being a tutor! 🙂
Megan Cuddy, ’25
Calculus and Data Science Tutor
Hi Everyone, I am a math and secondary education double major with a psychology minor from Natick, MA. I am a member of the women’s lacrosse team at Wheaton, and am also a member of Women in STEM and a Mayfellow on campus as well!
Laura Dennis, ’25
Chemistry and Calc 1 &2 Tutor
Hello, I am planning on majoring in biology and minoring in chemistry. I am from a little town in the center of Massachusetts named Sutton. I enjoy watching TV and spending time with my friends.
Loic Ebelle, ’27
Tutor Concierge
Hey I’m Loic and I am doing a double major in business management and musical theater. So obviously I love everything involving singing and dancing , I played third single in tennis in my high school and my favorite thing is the world is swimming, my favorite color is sky blue and I love meeting new people and staying busy, you may see me a lot around campus so please say hi. I love to chat!
Jayline Febles, ’26
Tutoring Assistant and as-needed Concierge
Hi everyone! I am a computer science major and am still deciding on my minor. I am a first-gen student from the Bronx, New York. I am on S.O.L.E, so you may see me in a dance performance around campus. Some of my hobbies are doing nails, exploring new places around the city, and listening to music.
Malia Gentile, ’26
Biology and Calculus Tutor
Hi everyone! I’m from Rhode Island and the arts are a huge part of my life, especially singing and dancing. I am part of the Paraíso Latino dance group on campus, which has allowed me to continue my love for dance in my college life. I am planning on majoring in Environmental Science and minoring in Mathematics.
Bailey Geyer
Writing Tutor
I am a Secondary Education and English major and I am from Warwick, RI. I love listening to music and singing and I am a part of the Wheatones! I am also a part of Emerson House. My other hobbies include reading, spending time outside, especially at the beach, and dancing!
Maddie Groves, ’26
Tutor Concierge
I am majoring in International Business and Cross Cultural Management, with a minor in Italian Studies. I am from the top right corner of Connecticut and I love finding new books to read and movies or shows to watch. Along with being a tutor concierge I am a member of WEB.
Emily Higgins, ’25
Writing Tutor
I am from a small town in Massachusetts called North Reading. I am majoring in Creative Writing with a minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Outside of academics I enjoy writing fantasy novels, planning holiday parties, hiking with my dog, and being around family and friends.
Sayed Ibrahimi, ’25
Logic and COMP 115, 118, & 121 Tutor
Hi! I am a computer science major. I am an international student from Afghanistan and I lived in India since middle school. I love going to the gym, playing soccer with friends, reading self-improvement books, trying new things and hanging out with my friends.
Emma Keamy, ’25
Writing Tutor
Hi! I’m an intended Creative Writing major hoping to become an author someday. I love horror movies of all kinds, and I also enjoy video games (although I’m still easing myself into horror games). I have one dog, Coco, who takes up most of my camera roll.
Hannah Kropp, ’25
Writing Tutor
Hello! I am from Cumberland, ME and am an intended Public Health major with an education minor. You can find me on campus working in Admissions as well as on our club Ultimate Frisbee team. I love being outside and spending time with animals!
George Lane, ’26
Concepts of Math Tutor
Hi, my name is George! I’m a music and early childhood education major. I’m excited to tutor because I grew up struggling with math, and understand how challenging it can be to find a method that works for you. In my free time, I enjoy singing opera, writing and illustrating stories, and hiking with a good audiobook.
E Leath
Writing Tutor
I’m an English major, Religion minor, and Women and Gender Studies minor. I like playing video games, baking, and crocheting. I also do volunteer book editing on the side.
Caris Mann
Writing Tutor
Hi everyone! I am from Hanover, Massachusetts and a Secondary Education and English major. I am a member of the Wheaton Swim and Dive team and I am a Peer Advisor and a WAM. I also work in Student Financial Services as an office assistant. Whenever I’m not swimming, I enjoy reading, writing, going to get coffee, or just hanging out with my friends 🙂
Emerson McEvoy
Writing Tutor
Hi! I’m a Sociology major with a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies. Right now, I’m working on a research project about workplace health & wellness and bodies! Outside of academics, I’m on the exec board for Alliance and I love listening to podcasts, reading, going on walks outside, and watching animated TV shows.
Jacqueline Modugno, ’25
Writing Tutor
Hi! I’m Jacqueline, and I am an environmental science (chem concentration) and English double major! You can find me on the Sustainability Board, in Wheaton Women in STEM, and at Farm Club. I am also interested in philosophy and art history. Other passions include going to the beach, taking care of my plants, listening to music, and baking.
Josh Nangle, ‘25
Writing Tutor
I am a political science major, and I am from Wellesley, Massachusetts. I am a delegate on Model UN and I love politics, current events, and writing.
Alara Nelson, ‘25
Tutor Concierge
Hello! I am a biology major and a visual arts minor, and I love to dance and do arts in my free time. I also love to play games and hang out with my friends! On campus I am a dance team member and the secretary of Kaos dance club. I spend a lot of time in Emerson and the library doing work, so you may see me there often.
Lorie Ninganza, ‘26
French Tutor
Hey there! I’m from Lewiston, Maine, and first-generation student. I am planning to major in Statistics, and hoping to minor in sociology. Outside of classes and everything, I like to hang out with my friends, travel, I like to play tennis, and to dance. I grew up speaking French as my second language in Burundi (my origin country) and look forward to helping others learn more about it.
Kieran Paar
Latin Tutor
Salve! I am a Latin major from Medford, MA. Along with studying Latin, I spend a lot of my time in the English and History departments. I am also President of Wheaton’s Radio Club (WCCS), and in my free time I play piano, walk around campus, and listen to music.
Ethan Perry, ‘25
Calculus 1 & 2, Math 141 & 151 Tutor
I’m from Holliston, MA and I’m a Math major. I enjoy being active, working out, and playing ultimate frisbee.
Anna Pires, ’25
Writing Tutor
I am an English and Education major from Maine. I am also on the track and field team here throwing the javelin. I like to read, watch movies, and annoy my twin sister Lily.
Samantha Reardon, ’25
Statistics and Data Science Tutor
Hi! I’m a math major from Hudson Massachusetts and I am a part of Emerson house. I enjoy watching tv, reading, knitting and crocheting in my free time. I love biking, logic puzzles and board or card games. I also love music and play the clarinet.
Amy Saad, ’25
Tutor Concierge
I’m majoring in Computer Science, and possibly a minor in something else. I love animals, fashion, and music. I was born in Connecticut and I’m from Egypt. I have 4 siblings and 2 cats.
Moira Sankey
Writing Tutor
Hello! I am a Communications major with a double minor in English and Journalism. I am also the Layout Editor of the college newspaper, The Wheaton Wire. I work as a tour guide and am a May Fellows scholar. My hobbies are reading, binge-watching TV shows, spending time outside, and hanging out with friends.
Nico Santamaria-Hopkins, ’25
Chemistry , Calc 1 & 2, and Data Science Tutor
Hi there! I am originally from Spain, my majors are biochemistry and math. I am quite interested in most thing that have to do with comprehending how our bodies work and I have always loved math. I also enjoy cross-stitching and doing exercise (mainly rowing). I hope I can be of help!
Ellie Savino, ’26
Italian 101 Tutor
Hi! I’m planning on double majoring in Italian and Film and New Media Studies. I have always wanted to either direct or act in films and I am very excited to be pursuing that. Outside of class I love to read and go to concerts. I typically listen to rock/pop punk music and my favorite bands at the moment are Hot Mulligan and Waterparks.
Abby Sinistore, ’25
Writing Tutor
Hey everyone! I’m a Film and New Media Studies major and minor in Women and Gender Studies. I’m from a small town in Western Massachusetts and I enjoy spending time with my friends, reading, being outside, and watching movies.
Danielle Taschioglou, ’27
Tutor Concierge
I’m majoring in psychology, but am also interested in theological and spiritual studies. Outside of academics, I really enjoy creative writing and art (mostly pencil) 🙂
Mj Taylor, ’26
Biology, Statistics, and Data Science Tutor
Hi, I’m Mj. I am an Environmental Science (with a chemistry concentration) major here at Wheaton! This year, I’m hoping to start doing research around the Eastern White Pine tree, but love caring for and learning about plants in general. I’m also the Vice Chair for the Sexuality, Gender, and Inclusion Board, so I do a lot involving supporting and advocating for LGBTQ+ students.
Jennifer Thomas, ’25
German Tutor
Hi! I’m from Westford Massachusetts and I’m majoring in Women’s and Gender Studies. I have been learning German since middle school. I love to dance and am a member of Tap Out Loud! In my free time I love doing art, reading, watching TV, and hanging out with my friends.
Robin Troup
Writing Tutor
Hi! I’m from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and I’ll be majoring in Education. This year on campus, I’m a Peer Advisor and the president for the Ultimate Frisbee team. In my free time, I like to read and write creatively.
Vivian Van Holland, ’26
Data Science and Calculus Tutor
Hi! I am from Excelsior, Minnesota and I am a double major in math and secondary ed. I am also on the swim team. Some of my interests are baking, crafting, and playing the cello
Zoe Ziegler, ’26
Greek Tutor
Hi! I am a combined Classics major and love the ancient world but I also enjoy learning about various STEM related subjects as well! I also love reading and playing video games with my friends in my free time.