Wheaton Foundation Grants may be used to

  • cover course-related conference fees and travel costs
  • buy materials and equipment for research;
  • travel to research sites; and/or
  • compensate research subjects.


* Please note the application for the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 has closed.
   The Fund will re-open again for Fall 2025.

All Wheaton students, regardless of class year, are eligible to apply for funding through the foundation grants as long as they are in good academic standing.

Steps for submitting your proposal

  1. Read the guidelines
  2. Submit the Wheaton Foundation Grant Proposal application (Google Form) *
  3. Request a letter of support from the faculty member whose class is related to your proposed project. The letter should address the value and relevance of your request to your academic works in their class. This support letter is due on deadline date as indicated, so please be considerate and give the faculty member the time to get it done. Do not wait until the last minute.

Quick Facts

  • Funds must be used to cover expenses incurred in the semester of application.
  • Original Receipts must be submitted as support for expenses..
  • Expenses incurred during January/summer are not eligible for funding through the Wheaton Foundation Grants.
  • Applicants may apply during both the fall and spring semesters; however, priority will be given to first-time applicants.
  • Group submissions are welcome, but costs per student must be justified.
  • Any equipment purchased on this grant will become property of the department involved and any books purchased become the property of the Wheaton Library.
  • Grant requests are for a maximum of $250 per student per year. If requests for funds exceed the amount of funds available, applications will be reviewed by the Committee on Academic Standing. Keep in mind that funds are limited and the full amount requested may not be granted.
  • Expenses judged inappropriate for this grant may limit the use of/denial of/ funds.
  • Applications will be reviewed after the deadline to submit.

Questions? Contact Academic Advising at [email protected].

* Must be signed into your Wheaton Gmail account to access.