
This policy will serve as the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the orderly tracking of keys and card access by Wheaton College (also referred to as the “College”) in order to provide a secure and safe campus environment. Wheaton College personnel and student body will maintain an accurate chain of accountability for all issued keys and card access.

General Guidelines

All departments of Wheaton College will take direct responsibility for the security of all areas under their control. The Locksmith Office with the cooperation of Wheaton College departments and individual users will determine the assignment of appropriate keys and locks. The Locksmith will maintain all door locks on campus within the key system. The Facilities Operations Locksmith Manager, the divisional vice-president, will approve any exceptions. The Facilities Operations Locksmith Office will make reasonable efforts to help resolve issues within its areas of expertise.

All issued keys are the property of Wheaton College. It is a violation of both the State of Massachusetts law and Wheaton College policies to duplicate any key issued by the College. All keys are marked with a distinctive mark/stamp and only the Locksmith Office is authorized to duplicate key(s).

The Locksmith Office is responsible for installing, maintaining, servicing, replacing, and updating all locks used to secure college-owned keys. This responsibility includes all designs of lock systems, maintenance and service of locks, issuance of keys, and maintenance of cores, keys, and records. No outside vendor may perform any work at any of the College’s owned or leased facilities without prior approval from the Manager of Dry Trades and/or Locksmith.

Employees of Wheaton College

Employees new to Wheaton College, faculty or staff members will be issued the necessary keys that are required by the individual’s position and responsibilities. At the time you will sign out your assigned keys approved by your direct report at the Locksmith Office of Facilities Operations. Keys are issued to individuals by name and will be held responsible and accountable for all such keys. Spare keys will not be issued.

Each Direct Report is responsible to maintain security practices for all members of their department(s) to follow and ensure proper key procedures.

This includes, however, is not limited to the following;

  • Appropriate use of key(s) to maintain a secured area
  • Returning key(s) of any department member who no longer needs access to an area
  • Returning obsolete or unneeded key (s) to the Facilities Operations/Locksmith Office for proper disposal
  • Reporting the loss or theft of key(s) immediately to the Locksmith Office and Campus Safety, this is the responsibility of the employee to whom the key(s) were issued.

Upon the departure of Wheaton College employment, you are to return any and all keys back to the Locksmith’s office on your last day of work. Failure to do so, will result in a $120 fine.


A member of the Residential Life Staff will issue all assigned keys at the beginning of the fall semester. Students should keep their doors locked and should carry their keys with them at all times.

Students must safeguard their keys and must not duplicate, lend, or swap keys with anyone else.

Students are responsible for immediately reporting any lost or stolen keys to a member of the Locksmith Office and Campus Safety.

Room Changes

Students are held responsible for their assigned keys. You are NOT to swap, exchange, or give your key to a fellow student without a room change form from the office of Residential Life. This is for your safety and security on Wheaton College property. If a swap is conducted or made without authorization each student will be charged a $75 fee.

Room changes need to go through the Residential Life Office. Once the Room Change form has been filled out, you will bring this form to the Locksmith Office with your current room key(s) to receive your new room key(s). If your current key is not returned you will pay the Lost Key fee of $110.00.


Students who lock themselves out of their dorm room should contact the Wheaton College Campus Safety. A Campus Safety officer will respond, identify the person requesting access, and then allow you access to your room.

Lost Keys / Lock Changes

Lost keys should be reported immediately to the Locksmith Office and Campus Safety. There is a ‘lost key’ fee of $110.00, this is to replace a new lock & key(s). Lock changes occur when your room assignment key is NOT returned or the room you are changing out of is not returned to the Locksmith Office. Once the lock change occurs the $110.00 ‘ lost key’ fee is Non-Refundable.

College Identification Cards

Wheaton provides all students with an identification card (ID card). The ID card serves as proof of an individual’s status and is used throughout the campus for access to certain services, including the dining hall, fitness center, and library. The ID card also serves as the building key for resident students.

All ID cards are the property of Wheaton College. Any transfer, alteration, falsification, or forgery of the card is prohibited, as is the fraudulent or illegal use of the card. ID cards can be possessed only by the person to whom the card was issued. Students should at no time give their ID cards to anyone, nor should they be in possession of an ID card that was not expressly issued to them by the College.

Students are required to carry their ID card with them at all times and must produce it for any college official upon request.

Lost ID cards should be immediately reported, or returned if found, to Public Safety. Students who damage or lose their cards will need to purchase a new ID card from Public Safety. The cost for a replacement card is $25.00.

Academic Keys

Academic Keys are the keys assigned and approved by Faculty and/or Administrative Staff for those students ; Residential Assistants (RA’s), art studios, music practice, and science rooms for their continued studies as necessary.  Key(s) are to be returned by the end of the academic year and before final exams.  If the student does NOT return the assigned key(s), the student account will be charged $75 for each key that was signed out and their grades will be withheld.  These key(s) are the students’ responsibility and are NOT to be transferred or lent to anyone.

End of Academic Year – Dorm Room Key Return

When returning your dorm room key at the end of the academic year, unless otherwise notified by Res Life, please use the envelopes provided by the 3 secure drop off boxes: Campus Safety, Balfour Hood (island by the Campus Post) and Pine Hall. During normal business hours can be left at the Locksmith Office, located in the main Facilities Operations building. DO NOT drop your keys off anywhere else on campus. Please complete the requested information clearly on the envelope and seal the envelope, so the key does not fall out. If you DO NOT return the assigned room key, you will be charge the Non-Refundable ‘lost key’ fee of $110.00.