Massachusetts or Illinois? Secular or evangelical? Related or unaffiliated colleges?

We are Wheaton College in Massachusetts—a diverse and inclusive community committed to academic exploration, personal freedom and the success of every student.

We love our name. It’s part of our history since our founding in 1834, and our students and alumni wear it proudly in bold blue and white wherever they go, here on campus and around the world. But as with anyone who shares a name (shout out to all the U.S. Jacobs and Emmas), people sometimes confuse us for the other Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, even though we are two different institutions with separate and distinct missions.

If we are the Wheaton you are looking for—secular, beautiful New England campus, 1,700 students, 100+ academic programs, Top 40 U.S. Liberal Arts College—you’ve found us!