Publications, honors and creative works: Alumni
Jessica Bruce ’87, senior vice president at Associated Press, has been named the new head of corporate communications and remains in charge of global human resources.
Shannon Carter ’71 was presented with a “Great Living Cincinnatian” award by the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber of Commerce in February.
Deirdre Houlihan DiCara ’77 was named “Person of the Year” for 2015 by her local newspaper The Register Citizen (Torrington, Conn.) in December 2015.
Margaret “Meg” Offit Gold ’85 in April was named to the board of The Hadassah Foundation, which invests in social change to empower girls and women.
Mady Schuman ’72 had her op-ed “Where are the donations? Philanthropists short change veterans’ organizations” published in the Boston Globe in February.
Susannah Snowden-Smith ’75 was recognized in the Underwater Photographer of the Year awards, an international contest held in London. Two of her photos earned an award of “Commended” in the “Wrecks” and “Behavior” categories.