Housing Accommodations

Accessibility Services reviews requests to determine reasonable housing
accommodations and evaluates the need for the accommodation as it relates to access.
All housing accommodation requests are considered on a case-by-case basis according
to documented need and prevailing standards for reasonable accommodations. There is
a separate and comprehensive interactive process in place for all housing-related

Housing accommodation requests will be reviewed through the Accessibility
Services office by the Housing Accommodation Committee after ALL requirements are
completed as outlined on the main page. The submitted documentation and the
student’s self-reported information are used to evaluate the request. The Committee
completes a holistic review of the provider’s recommendations, current nature of the
student’s symptoms, student’s self-report, the appropriateness and essential nature of
the requested accommodations, and all available accommodations and college support
resources when making final decisions and recommendations.

Please be aware that a diagnosis of a medical condition in and of itself and/or a
provider recommendation alone does not automatically qualify a student for
disability accommodations.

Students need to renew housing accommodations with the Accessibility Services Office yearly.

March 1st for current students
July 1st for incoming students
After the deadlines, we cannot guarantee availability of certain accommodations.

Emotional Support Animals

ESA Application

Animals that have been approved by Accessibility Services as an accommodation to the no pets policy. We acknowledge that pets of all sorts provide a beneficial source of companionship for their owners.

However, Emotional Support Animals are not pets. They are a prescribed,
necessary part of the mental health provider’s therapeutic plan for the student to
address very specific needs. Animals in the process of being
adopted/acquired typically will not be considered for an emotional support

If Accessibility Services determines the accommodation of an Emotional Support
Animal is supported and reasonable, Residence Life may consider the following
factors, among others, as evidence in determining whether or not the presence of
the animal is reasonable and making or altering, if necessary, the housing
assignments for individuals with an ESA:

–  The space needed for the cage/crate in which the animal will be housed when
the student is away from the room is too large for available assigned housing
–  The animal’s presence would force another individual from individual housing
(e.g. serious allergies);
–  The animal’s presence otherwise violates individuals’ right to peace and quiet
–  The animal is not housebroken or is unable to live with others in a reasonable
–  The animal’s vaccinations are not up-to-date, or vaccination records are not
– The animal poses health risks from zoonotic diseases or safety concerns
regarding containment that cannot be sufficiently mitigated for inclusion in the
communal living setting;
–  The animal poses or has posed in the past a direct threat to the individual or
others such as aggressive behavior towards or injuring the individual or others;
– The animal causes or has caused excessive damage to housing beyond
reasonable wear and tear.

An approved ESA is not permitted in other areas of Wheaton College (e.g. dining
facilities, libraries, academic buildings, athletic buildings and facilities, classrooms, labs,
individual centers, etc.)

ESA Application

Personal Care Attendant Policies 
Personal Care Attendant Agreement
Meal Plan Policy