
Hispanic Studies at Wheaton is an interdisciplinary major based on real life experiences.

Hispanic Studies 300: “Spanish Practicum Internship” is a connected experiential learning course. Majors and minors in Hispanic studies are placed in agencies that need Spanish-speaking volunteers. Students are able to assist the Hispanic community in programs related to foster care, refugees, hospitalized children and adolescents, battered women and their children, legal advocacy, rape crisis, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, runaways, family emergency shelters and in after-school programs.

For most students the experience is transformative. For instance, Alice Kellogg discovered in Even Start a professional calling. Laura González found a job in Centro Presente after her internship. Erin Davis started her career in health at the Latino Health Institute.

The department encourages students to apply to summer internships like UNIVISIÓN, MTV or at the Cisneros Foundation.