My gift. My way.

 Annsley Chapman Strong ’69

Annsley Chapman Strong ’69

  • Co-founder and consultant, Strong Studio Designs
  • Celebrating Children honoree, with George Strong Jr., Dodger Stadium, 2014
  • Married 40 years to George Strong Jr., mother of four, grandmother of seven

“I grew up at Wheaton. It was my first ‘solo’ venture. My family and community had provided my foundations and guideposts, but Wheaton exposed me to real-life challenges and the tools to navigate them. It was one thing to be told by your family that you could do anything; Wheaton showed me how. In teaching me to view everything from multiple perspectives, the college ensured a lifetime of learning. We began with critical-thinking strategies and then took those strategies out into the daylight. So, when I give to an institution, I look at it as Wheaton taught me: I need to believe in both its core competencies and the institution’s ability to implement and follow through on them. As technology has accelerated our global capabilities, we must also fundamentally understand the cultures from whence they came, to provide leadership appropriate to all. Wheaton has shown its willingness to risk departure from traditional classroom learning in order to embrace and impact a broader audience. I hope, by including Wheaton in my will, that we will continue to test what works and motivates on multiple levels, and build on those efforts to produce more effective leaders.”

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